Thursday, January 15, 2009

Princeton by the Numbers

The picture above is of the Gotham Fellows, along with a few Redeemer staff and the 3 WHM people standing in front of Alexander Hall, the first building built at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1830 -something.  For those of you who have been reading, I wanted to give you a little more of an update on how the weekend at Princeton actually went.

By all accounts it was a good weekend for those involved.  Here were a few things that stood out.

53--Driving time in minutes from our house to the main campus at Princeton.  And if you've never been there before, let me tell you it's worth a visit.  Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous campus!  Lots of old stone buildings, tons of cool church architecture, and lots of fun shops.  Of course the place just screams east coast, old money, elitism, but still... as long as I didn't say too much, no one really knew that I was out of my league.

3--number of dead theologians graves we visited.  Jonathan Edwards, the one time president of Princeton (who was killed off by the university... I'll let you look that one up, but I swear it's true).  Archibald Alexander, the earliest of the "Princeton Theologians" and a hard core presbyterian who was the first theology professor at the newly formed Princeton Seminary.  Charles Hodge, who was the focus of my masters thesis and also a theology professor at Princeton in the mid-1800's.  Kind of fun to see all of them... in an odd sort of way.

3--number of pubs that were rejected by the Gotham Fellows on Saturday night when went out for a pint.  The reason for the rejection of said establishments, and I quote "They're just not that hip."  I've honestly never been with a group of people that was cool enough to reject a pub based on the criteria of hipness.

8--number of pages for my outline in the retreat notebook.

4--number of pages of Ron and Bethany's outlines for the retreat notebook.  Some things never change.

24--number of Gotham Fellows who participated in the retreat.  They ranged in age from 23-31, mostly single, and ran the gamut of professions from law, to business, to the arts.  They were all articulate, funny, and more than a little competitive.   Our strongest contribution was really helping them connect the great theology that they have been learning with the day to day details of their lives.

1--number of people staying in my  room for the weekend.  The retreat center has private rooms, with shared bathrooms.  Classy place.

4--number of guys in the small group that I worked with.  A finance guy, a lawyer, an architect and a video producer.  I really enjoyed getting to know them, hear their stories and in some small way try to help them where I could.

2--number of people I tried to get to come with me to Thomas Sweet, a famous ice cream emporium.  Evidently the frigid temps and 3 inches of snow made people think it wasn't time for ice cream.  Oh, well.  We'll be making another trip up as a family sometime when the weather is nice just to sight see, so I'll swing by then.

52:36--number in minutes and seconds of my teaching time.  I went over my alloted time by 7 minutes and 36 seconds, so I lost my "I know how to finish my lesson on time righteousness."  It really hurt, since Bethany and Ron did a great job of finishing their lessons on time.

1--number of hearts so sincerely moved by your prayers and generosity.

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