Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Uganda-Naperville Connection

I have to admit, I'm a little dubious about most of the claims of modern technology. Machines can't do what a few minutes of face to face, heart to heart connection can.

Yet... there are times when technology does seem to make things possible that even a few short years ago would have never happened. When I started working at World Harvest, I started reading the blogs of our missionaries. Each entry is kind of like a "from the battlefield" report on how the kingdom is advancing around the world. Over time, I've passed along some of those stories to others, and in turn, they have also passed them along.

So imagine my surprise when Amy Pasqualini (on staff at NPC in the Children's Ministries department) wrote to say she'd had enough, was going to do something about it. Amy had been reading the blog of our team leader's in Uganda, as they noted the low supplies of HIV retro-viral drugs. So Amy took it upon herself to write letters to a few news outlets asking if they would consider highlighting the plight of rural Ugandans. And lo and behold... one of them did!

So the follow story appeared in Friday's Naperville Sun newspaper. Thanks to Amy, for making an effort when it seemed futile, and thanks to Drs. Scott and Jennifer Myhre for their ongoing love for all things Uganda.

You can read the Sun article here.

You can read the original blog entry from the Myhre's here.

Reading a blog isn't same thing as being there... but it does give you a front row seat to the ways in which our world is broken, and how Christ is coming to heal, redeem and make all things new.

And as a techno-skeptic, it has also reminded how grateful I am for all of the ways that all of you are interwoven in my life... even if at times it has to be through blogs and e-mails instead of face to face.

1 comment:

DrsMyhre said...

Thanks for the connection, really amazing. We are glad to have Amy on our side! Jennifer