Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When the "Next Thing" Shouldn't be the "Next Thing"

This Thursday and Friday, I and a colleague are going to do a retreat for 180 staff of a campus outreach organization (Coalition for Campus Outreach), taking a look at what the gospel has to say specifically about our spiritual lives as ministers. And unlike previous speaking engagements I don't have a sense of fear, or dread, or "oh crap, how did I get myself into this mess (again!)."

Instead, I've been struggling with how this retreat has just become "the next thing" on my calendar. Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to a few days in lovely western PA, hanging out with 20 and 30 somethings, listening to their hearts and encouraging them with God's love and grace. In fact, if you would have asked me a few years ago if this was the sort of thing that would get me excited, I would have jumped up and down and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

But at the moment, I just have so many other things swirling around that this has become "the next thing" on my never ending to-do list. I think what this really highlights is my tendency to "leak the gospel." I just tend to lose track of the power, the beauty and the transformation that the cross brings into my life. And when that happens it's all too easy to look at a time of intense spiritual ministry, to a group of people who are on the front lines of the spiritual battle, as "the next thing" on my list instead of the joy and honor that it truly is.

And lo and behold, when I ask why this should be so, I keep coming back to the same basic answer: when my love for Jesus and all that he has done for me seems like old hat, my desire to share it with other people becomes just "the next thing."

So for the next little bit will you please pray that my heart will be again captured by the wonder of the gospel! Ask God to really cuddle me close to him over the next little bit as I finish up preparing for my talks. And most all, plead with our High Priest that I'll be spiritually on top of it enough to know that this event isn't about me, and get out his way so that it can be all about him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

absolutely praying

(love the phrase "leak the gospel"...very helpful)