Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good News!

This year, World Harvest was named as a "Best Christian Workplace" by an outside organization that evaluates employee effectiveness, satisfaction, leadership strength and best practices.

While we aren't too wrapped up into the title, what it represents is important to us: a sense that as a Sending Center family we are continuing to grow closer to each other as we pursue excellence. The Best Christian Workplace's survey doesn't measure things like "leading by repenting" or "uncovering your idols." But it does help us know that despite the changes in leadership, a dodgy economy, the difficulty of sending, equipping and resourcing missionaries around the globe, God continues to work at WHM to enable us to be good stewards.

So, thank you to each and every one of you who has so graciously supported us, prayed for us, and encouraged us. It is a great blessing and honor for me to be able to serve at WHM as a result of your ministry to me.


Reepicheep said...

I can vouch for the quality of the parties WHM throws at GA!!! Looking forward to it again this year. No wonder the employees are happy!!

Patric, Jennifer and Parker said...

Well, since we can't have staff meeting from the deer hunting blinds, we have to do some thing to keep spirits up. Tough news about the Rodentator.