Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Emmanuel...No Protocol

It really is true...God is with us. Everywhere. All the time. I am starting to think this is something God is wanting me to really believe and hold on to and benefit from. Because he reminded me of it again last night.  

I went to the Women's Christmas dinner at our church and when the speaker said that the topic of her talk was Emmanuel, I knew God was trying to get my attention again. He was to be given the name Jesus (he who saves), but he will be called Emmanuel (God with us). God was sending us a personal message and asking for a personal response.  When she said this, there was a hush in the room.  (One of those, you had to be there kind of things!)

There are a lot of reasons why "God being with us" makes a difference, but last night a new comfort was brought to mind.  And, to me, this is huge. With Emmanuel, there is no protocol in our relationship. Let me explain. In human relationships, I often find myself wondering, "should I call her or just send an email?" or "maybe I've intruded too much, I shouldn't ask" or "I wish we could get together more, but we're just so busy," etc.  And this wondering about the relationship protocol drives me crazy sometimes.  But with Emmanuel, he is always available, always willing, always thrilled to be with me, always wanting to spend more time with me. He is the perfect friend...and of course, so much more.  

I pray that he will keep reminding me of this precious truth, because my heart abandons him all too often. But that reminds me of something else the speaker said last night. She told a story of an older married couple who, when asked how they had stayed together for so long said, "Well, I told my wife if she ever decided to leave me, I'd go with her!" And that's what Jesus does with me, when my heart abandons him, he goes with me...because he's Emmanuel. :)

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