Monday, March 9, 2009

Marriage (Part 3) | Five Types of Beauty

Thanks so much for praying for us again.  I wanted to give you a short update this week, even though things are little crazy this week with new candidates visiting at WHM.

Last week was a week of contrasts and complements for me.  Having time away from Jennifer and Parker always helps me "reset my love clock" for them.  Here were a few of the things I saw last week that struck me as beautiful.

  1. Overwhelming Physical Splendor--The Monterey peninsula in N. CA is just drop dead gorgeous.  Famous golf courses, towering cliffs, waves crashing on rocks, enormous sand dunes, capering seals, giant kelp... it's got it all.  As a "non-nature guy" I was overwhelmed by God's creativity and artistry.
  2. Simple Things, Often Overlooked--As I was walking on the rocks and on the beach I just kept noticing little fascinating details.  Nothing as jaw dropping as the things listed above, but I had a sense that the type of beauty God creates in our world is "scaleable."  No matter how big, or how small, there is an intricacy to God's handiwork that is overwhelming. 
  3. The Struggle to Live Authentically--I was deeply touched time and time again as our retreat speakers, and those attending were willing to open their lives--the good, the hard, the painful, the beautifully broken being redeemed by Jesus--to us.  There is a strange beauty that comes from a soul being mastered by Christ and broken on the crux of his love, so that it can become more humble and reliant.  I got to be part of that last week in some tender ways.
  4. Laughter--As always at a World Harvest event, there was plenty of conversation, tears and laughter.  I'm amazed at how the most plain people temporarily shed the mortal disguise we so readily wear when genuine mirth and laughter comes out of them.  I count it a sacred duty to help others laugh.  
  5. A Tearful Wife and Fever Filled Little Boy--It was hard on Jennifer and Parker to let me go last week.  There were tinges of the "old loneliness" that returned for Jennifer, and Parker was sick this last weekend.  The beauty though came from hearing Jennifer point herself to Jesus as her only hope, and from hearing my hoarse little boy clamor "Daddy, Daddy" when I rolled in on Saturday am at 7:30, and then again during the weekend when he was tender and cuddly in the midst of a fever.
Those were the five ways I experienced beauty last week.  The sixth, but not confined to last week, is in your prayers.  I truly appreciate the way you continue to uphold us in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you.

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