Saturday, March 14, 2009

Speed Kills

One of the truths of the spiritual life, is that over time, speed kills. Being too busy for too long, running too hard too regularly or failing to heed Jesus' own patterns of engagement and withdrawal from ministry are all dangerous patterns.

This week, with the encouragement of my supervisor and other mentors, I'll be taking a week to "work differently" as I attend a leadership & spiritual formation retreat with a couple other 30-something leaders. In the 2 years since I started raising support to join the WHM family, I've had precious little time for personal and professional reflection in a setting organized around a rhythm of listening, silence and prayer.

If God brings us to mind this next week would you pray for 2 things?

1) Please pray for Jennifer and Parker--Jennifer is a great single parent, but it gets old for her after a while, and while I will definitely miss them, part of the purpose of my time away is to have space to listen for God's leading away from the normal routines of family.

2) Please pray that the speed and busy-ness of my last few months can be left behind and that the days I'll spend with others praying for me, speaking into my life, and pointing me to Jesus will provide a sense of refreshment far beyond what a few days away could normally bring.

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